‘Telling Tales’, The Musings of a Locked Down CEO
When the world was side swiped by Covid-19 Dawn was able to deploy her HQ team effectively to work from home but also kept the office open and functioning to ensure the charity’s members, who were working on the front line, were supported. This hybrid way of working has now become the new normal for many organisations.
At the outset of the pandemic and working disparately she decided the best way to bring everyone together was through one communication. A morning ‘check in’ if you like. The purpose was to raise morale, lift spirits and also to pass on important messages to ensure the business continued to function effectively.
Her intention was for the musings to be uplifting, inspiring and to give her colleagues the opportunity to know that it was OK to not be OK.
As a result of responses from her colleagues and family, suggesting she get them published, she decided to follow the positive route rather than listening to those inner voices that challenge us daily when they say such things as:
‘Who would want to read them?’
‘Nobody knows you outside of your work circle, so why would they be of interest?’
‘Who do you think you are?’
Dawn assures you that her musings will remind you of what we were going through as a nation, but also, she hopes, inspire you to look at things differently, be kind and embrace the moment – even during difficult situations.
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Issued by Breezy Publications. Please email dawn.stott@btopenworld.com for further information.
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Dawn Stott, with her book – ‘Telling Tales’ The Musings of a Lock Down CEO.
About Dawn Stott
Dawn Stott has worked in healthcare for many years. Her passion is customer care and service improvement. She has designed courses to support healthcare providers improve practice through capturing enthusiasm and sharing best practice.
For the last thirteen plus years she has worked as CEO of the Association for Perioperative Practice (AfPP), a healthcare charity that supports theatre personnel who work in hospitals.
Dawn has been published many times in trade journals such as Management in Practice, The Clinical Services Journal, Insider Hospital and the Yorkshire Post.
Dawn has formed her own publishing company and is now part of the new wave of authors getting their work to print independently.